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居治金,博士,温州大学瓯江特聘教授。主要从事高比能碱金属电池材料的研发及相关机理的探究,并利用冷冻电镜从微观角度研究材料表界面化学性质。近年,已经Nat. EnergyNat. Commun.国际期刊发表SCI论文28篇,包括以第一/通讯作者发表于Nat. Commun.ACS Energy Lett.Nano Lett.Energy Storage Mater.Chem. Eng. J.等期刊上的研究论文,累计引用1800余次,H因子22申请国家发明专利12项,授权5项。曾主持中国博士后科学基金面上项目,上海市超级博士后激励计划资助,获浙江省优秀博士学位论文提名论文。


2016.09-2021.06浙江工业大学,化工学院,博士(导师:陶新永 教授)










1. Ju, Z. J., Jin, C. B., Cai, X. H., Sheng, O. W., Wang, J. C., Luo, J. M., Yuan, H. D., Lu, G. X., Tao, X. Y.*, Liang, Z.*, Cationic interfacial layer toward a LiF-enriched interphase for stable Li metal batteries. ACS Energy Letters, 2023, 8, 486-493.

2. Zhang B. L., Ju, Z. J.*, Xie Q. F., Luo J. M., Du L.*, Zhang C. F. (John)*, Tao X. Y.*, Ti3CNTx MXene/rGO scaffolds directing the formation of a robust, layered SEI toward high-rate and long-cycle lithium metal batteries. Energy Storage Materials, 2023, 58, 322-331.

3. Ju, Z. J., Xie, Q. F., Sheng, O. W., Wu, X. X., Tan, Y. H., Hong, M., Tao, X. Y.*, Liang, Z.*, Biomass-derived anion-anchoring nano-CaCO3 coating for regulating ion transport on Li metal surface. Nano Letters, 2022, 22 (13), 5473-5480.

4. Ju, Z. J., Lu, G. X., Sheng, O. W., Yuan, H. D., Zhou, S. Q., Liu, T. F., Liu, Y. J., Wang, Y., Nai, J. W., Zhang, W. K., Tao X. Y.*, Soybean protein fiber enabled controllable Li deposition and a LiF-nanocrystal-enriched interface for stable Li metal batteries. Nano Letters, 2022, 22 (3), 1374-1381.

5. Ju, Z. J., Jin, C. B., Yuan, H. D., Yang, T., Sheng, O. W., Liu, T. F., Liu, Y. J., Wang, Y., Ma, F. Y., Zhang, W. K., Nai, J. W.*, Tao, X. Y.*, A fast-ion conducting interface enabled by aluminum silicate fibers for stable Li metal batteries. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 408, 128016.

6. Ju, Z. J., Yuan, H. D., Sheng, O. W., Liu, T. F.*, Nai, J. W., Wang, Y., Liu, Y. J., Tao, X. Y.*, Cryo-electron microscopy for unveiling the sensitive battery materials. Small Science, 2021, 1, 2100055.

7. Ju Z. J., Nai J. W., Wang Y., Liu T. F., Zheng J. H., Yuan H. D., Sheng O. W., Jin C. B., Zhang W. K., Jin Z., Tian H., Liu Y. J.*, Tao X. Y.*, Biomacromolecules enabled dendrite-free lithium metal battery and its origin revealed by cryo-electron microscopy. Nature Communications, 2020, 11, 488.